Posted in Interior Design

Are you Getting the Most Out of your Interior Design

It finally happened. You decided your home interior could use a makeover. Congratulations!

The next step is to embark on an epic design journey. Ideally, this starts with choosing a colour palette and picking vibrant fabric patterns. Knowing this info upfront makes it easy to conduct reupholstery exploration, curtain embellishments, and more. But that’s just to get the ball rolling.

Once you have a variety of design ideas to choose from it’s pretty easy to fall into the “pick one and hope for the best” trap. However, this kind of method can leave you with major “what ifs” later on. Especially if that design becomes turns dull on week three.

Fortunately, we’ve got a better method for picking designs. Find out more below.

Explore a Bunch of Interior Design Options
Falling in love with an interior design idea based on a specific designer fabric is not unheard of. That said, accurately complimenting the textile you have in mind can be simplified by exploring a bunch of options. These choices range from textured patterns to solid fabric colours. And even odd, yet complimentary, furniture decor.

Which is why taking the time to explore design options is a cornerstone in any remodelling project. So treat yourself to a mixture of possibilities. Try to find the pattern and colour combo that is capable of bringing out various aspects of yourself, or family.

That way your home is a reflection of those living there and above all else, unique.

Design Around Purpose
Think about the location you are redesigning. Specifically, what goes on there on a day-to-day basis. For example, if you and yours spend the majority of your time in the living room, the interior should probably be designed for comfort. And preferably with something interesting to look at from time to time.

Another element to consider is long-term side effects. Namely, health related and emotional byproducts associated with the chosen decor. Here are a few examples to consider.

• Shades of blue to generate a calm feeling
• Potted plants to decrease carbon-dioxide levels
• Textured and themed wallpaper can spark your imagination

Go With a Suitable Interior Design to Get Motif
There are plenty of design options out there. Not all of them are going to make you feel relaxed or comfortable. To get a better grasp on which direction you want to go, tinker with fabric patterns, designer upholstery, and color palettes. Then, sit and evaluate how they make you feel. Try to isolate which design combos match the mood you are going for before moving forward.

Plan For All Rooms to Get The Most Benefit
It may take a bit more time, but consider redecorating the entire house at the same time. Or at least all of the main areas. Rooms you occupy frequently are visually going to lose their newness faster than areas used less often. By combining this newness effect across a variety of rooms, the phase of “getting accustomed to the look” is extended. Which can make the interior design feel brand new for a long period of time.

Explore Fine Details of Each Design
Obvious additions, such as a reupholstered chair, tend to stand out immediately, then subside over time. As this occurs, you can balance out the transition. Include fine, minuet details when and where appropriate. This will ensure you have different and exciting features to retain your focus as time goes on. An ideal feature to consider is elaborate wallpaper patterns embedded with scenes. Or hand-picked curtains that enhance the look you are going for.

Alter Visual Room Shape To Improve Interior
To the uninitiated, an interior design project is severely limited to its architectural design. Namely, in regards to an area’s size. Fortunately, this simply is not the case for most rooms. If you desire a room to look larger, or smaller, than it actually is utilize an appropriate color palette.

A good rule of thumb to use is bright shades enlarge and dark hues decrease. So, if you have an open floor plan but want a particular area to feel cozy and snug, plan on embellishing that spot with darker colors.

But regardless of which interior design you opt to go with, make sure you get the most out of it. Evaluate a design’s longevity potential, day-to-day compatibility, and possible effects prior to implementation. Bear in mind, discovering the optimal design solution to match your lifestyle may take a bit of experimenting.


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